Sunday, February 1, 2009

Can't Sleep..

I can't sleep. There are times in the middle of the night when I wake up and I can't go back to sleep. I don't need to pee, I don't feel sick, I didn't forget to lock my car doors or put something back in the fridge, or anything like that. I just wake up. And then I can't get back to sleep. My body won't let me.

I can't sleep in. Ever. It does't even matter when I go to sleep. I always wake up between 7:30 and 8:15 every morning. Weekends, holidays, and days I don't work doens't matter. I still wake up at those times. And I'm afraid it'll kill me some day.


Elizabeth Reid said...

I wish I were like that! Then I wouldn't be a zombie when my kids wake me up in the mornings.

McDougal Family said...

I HATE it when that happens! Actually, it just happened to me last night! I just try and look at the positive side - I can get up and get a lot done around the house before anyone else even wakes up, and then I have a longer afternoon to do whatever I want because my work is already done!

sj said...

luca, you need to spray lavender on your pillow when this happens and also take an ambien :)